Build SML Dialogs
Download File: smlforms.dtd
areacalc.sml: The ""Area Unit Conversion"" window accepts numeric input (an input area), uses option menus to allow the user to select input and output area units, and computes an output value. |
areacalc.sml areacalc.xml |
badid.xml | badid.xml | |
boxcar2.sml: Script shows steps needed to create a sample application with a dialog window incorporating a view of geospatial data. | boxcar2.sml | |
dlgtempl.xml | dlgtempl.xml | |
flowpath.xml | flowpath.xml | |
flowpatherrs.xml | flowpatherrs.xml | |
helloXML1.sml |
helloXML1.sml helloXML2.sml hello.xml |
helloXML2.sml | helloXML2.sml | |
language.xml | language.xml | |
nmcolor.xml | nmcolor.xml | |
pansharpcomp.sml: Sample script that illustrates the use of a complex custom dialog window constructed using an XML dialog specification. The script computes a pan-sharpened color-composite image from three bands of a multispectral image and a higher-resolution panchromatic image. |
pansharpcomp.sml![]() |
PipelinePanSharp.sml: Sample script that illustrates 1) the use of a custom dialog window constructed using an XML dialog specification and 2) assembly of an Image Pipeline using options set from the dialog. The script computes a pan-sharpened color-composite image from three low-resolution bands of a multispectral image (must match each other in dimensions and extents) and a higher-resolution panchromatic image. |
PipelinePanSharp.sml | |
procpts.xml | procpts.xml | |
radiogroup.sml: Creates sample dialog with radiogroup of three buttons using an XML dialog specification. |
radiogroup.sml radiogp.xml radiogp.xml |
sample.xml | sample.xml | |
selcomp.xml | selcomp.xml | |
tigerop.xml | tigerop.xml | |
tigrds.xml | tigrds.xml | |
VectorCombinationsDlg.sml: Vector Combinations example with dialog. | VectorCombinationsDlg.sml | |
view-rgb.sml: Modified version of VIEW.SML to open and display RGB raster. | view-rgb.sml | |
xmldlg.sml: Sample script that creates a test dialog named ""This is a test"" from an dialog specification in an external XML file ""test.xml"". The dialog has several tabbed panels with examples of various available controls. |
xmldlg.sml test.xml |
Building Dialogs in SML Documentation: SMLdlg.htm
bonjour1.sml: Illustrates the use of callbacks for dialog controls. |
bonjour1.sml bonjour1.xml |
bonjour2.sml: Illustrates the use of dialog control callbacks in a script tag in the dialog specification. |
bonjour2.sml bonjour2.xml |
drawdlg.sml: Creates and opens a dialog window and uses a drawing area. | drawdlg.sml | |
gendlg.sml: Stub script to open demonstration dialogs generated from specifications in XML files. | gendlg.sml | |
getdata.sml: Illustrates different available methods for reading values from a dialog. |
getdata.sml getdata.xml |
view.sml: Creates and opens a standard View window and displays a selected raster. | view.sml | |
widget1.sml: Creates and opens a simple dialog window using Motif Widget classes. | widget1.sml | |
widget2.sml: Example of setting up a dialog window with different types of widgets. | widget2.sml |
View Window
3D View: Opens a 3D View< | View3d.sml | |
Adjust gamma of raster: Uses a standard display window to show side by side views of the original raster and results of modifications. | gamma.sml | |
Raster cell value to user defined ranges: Uses a standard display window to show side by side view of the original raster and results of modifications. | multrang.sml | |
View Window: Shows side by side view to show before and after versions of raster. | stddisp.sml |
Writing Scripts with SML
Devegetated: Subdues the expression of vegetation and enhances the expression of underlying rock and soil in a multispectral satellite image. Requires near-infrared and red bands. |
DEVEG.sml |
XML Errors
XMLerrs1.sml: XML Errors |
XMLerrs1.sml errors.xml |
XMLerrs2.sml | XMLerrs2.sml | |
XMLerrs3.sml | XMLerrs3.sml |