

More scripts: Dialog

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## xmldlg.sml
## Sample script that creates a test dialog named
## "This is a test" from an dialog specification in an
## external XML file "test.xml".  The dialog has several
## tabbed panels with examples of various available controls.
## The script also demonstrates methods to set control values
## from the script and to read the dialog settings set by the
## user.  Values for the dialog controls are printed to the
## Console Window as an example. 
## Most class variables are declared as needed in the script to 
## clarify their relevance to the remaining code.
## Variable declarations
numeric err, ret;
string xmlfile$;
class GUI_DLG  dlg;
### Define test callback function #########
func TestFunc() {
	PopupMessage("I Said Ignore it!");
### Define callback procedure to retrieve dialog settings ######
proc GetDlgValues() {
	# Here are four ways to get settings out of the dialog.  The extracted values are printed
	# to the console window as an example.
	#  1 -- Use the GetValues() class method in GUI_DLG to get all of the control settings at
	#			at once.  They are returned to a previously-declared instance of class GUIFORMDATA.
	#			Use GetValue...() methods in that class to read the values as needed.
	printf("Method 1...\n");
	class GUI_FORMDATA data;
	data = dlg.GetValues();
	printf("  RadioGroup value = %s\n", data.GetValueStr("radiogroup") );
	printf("  FirstName: %s\n", data.GetValueStr("fname") );
	printf("  Togglebutton numeric value = %d\n", data.GetValueNum("tbutton") );
	printf("  Togglebutton string value = %s\n\n", data.GetValueStr("tbutton") );
	#  2 -- Use GetCtrlValueNum() and GetCtrlValueStr() class methods in GUI_DLG to ask the dialog   
	#			for each control value individually as needed.  No GUI_FORMDATA class instance is required.   
	#			Less efficient than #1 if multiple control values are needed.  Internally it calls  
	#			dlg.GetValues(), pulls out the one value asked for, and discards the rest.
	printf("  RadioGroup value = %s\n", dlg.GetCtrlValueStr("radiogroup") );
	printf("  FirstName: %s\n", dlg.GetCtrlValueStr("fname") );
	printf("  Togglebutton numeric value = %d\n", dlg.GetCtrlValueNum("tbutton") );
	printf("  Togglebutton string value = %s\n\n", dlg.GetCtrlValueStr("tbutton") );
	#  3 -- Use the GetCtrlByID() method in GUI_DLG to get the control handle for a control class,
	#			then a GetValue...() method in the individual GUI_CTRL_... class to read the control 
	#			value individually as needed.
	class GUI_CTRL_EDIT_STRING fname;
	fname = dlg.GetCtrlByID("fname");
	radio = dlg.GetCtrlByID("radiogroup");
	tbutton = dlg.GetCtrlByID("tbutton");
	printf("  RadioGroup value = %s\n", radio.GetSelected() );
	printf("  FirstName: %s\n", fname.GetValue() );
	printf("  Togglebutton numeric value = %d\n", tbutton.GetValueNum() );
	printf("  Togglebutton string value = %s\n\n", tbutton.GetValueStr() );
	#  4 -- A more compact (but perhaps less clear) version of method 3.  Methods to get the control
	#			handle and its value are strung together, eliminating the need to declare the control handle
	#			class variable.
	printf("Method 4...\n");
	printf("  RadioGroup value = %s\n", dlg.GetCtrlByID("radiogroup").GetValueStr() );
	printf("  FirstName: %s\n", dlg.GetCtrlByID("fname").GetValueStr() ); 
	printf("  Togglebutton numeric value = %d\n", dlg.GetCtrlByID("tbutton").GetValueNum() );
	printf("  Togglebutton string value = %s\n\n", dlg.GetCtrlByID("tbutton").GetValueStr() );
	# NOTE: if the control value must be accessed in several places, store it as a variable for
	# reuse.  Values read from GUIFORMDATA or the dialog would be stored as numeric or string
	# variables.
	}	# end GetDlgValues()
############# Main script ##################
clear();		# clear the console window
class XMLDOC doc;
xmlfile$ = _context.ScriptDir + "/test.xml";		# read and parse the dialog specification
err = doc.Read(xmlfile$);
if (err < 0) {
	PopupError(err);	# Popup an error dialog.  "Details" button will say what's wrong.
class XMLNODE dlgnode;
dlgnode = doc.GetElementByID("test");		# get the dialog element from the parsed XML
if (dlgnode == 0) {
	PopupMessage("Could not find dialog node in XML document");
dlg.SetXMLNode(dlgnode);		# set the XML dialog element as the source for the dialog class
dlg.SetCtrlValueStr("fname", "Fred");		# set value for edittext control
dlg.SetCtrlValueStr("radiogroup", "button2");	# set value for radiogroup control
ret = dlg.DoModal();			# open as modal dialog
# Note: ret will be -1 if user hit cancel, 0 for OK
printf("DoModal() returned %d\n", ret);