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# StdDisp.sml
# SML script to present standard display interface to user.
# Displays side by side copies to show before and after versions of raster
# Buttons:
# 1. "Open"				read in raster 
# 2. "Custom"			place custom functions here
# 3. "Undo"				undo gamma
# 4. "Save"				save resulting output raster
# 5. "Exit"				exit script
# Notes:
# 1. input and output raster must be 8-bit unsigned - this could be modified to work with other types
# AUTHOR: 			David Wilson
# 						MicroImages, Inc.
# CREATION DATE: 	March 6, 1997
# REVISION LIST: 	Revision 1.1	March 10, 1997		Added to standard display window
#						Revision 1.2	March 17, 1967		Added CreatePyramid() to save file section
#                 Revision 1.3   July 14, 1999     Added declaration of h1
# global variables
class DISP h1;
class RVC_RASTER Rtemp;
# procedure and function definitions
# procedure to update the screen after modifications to data
# display message passed to it
proc redrawScreen( string msg$ ) {
	CloseRaster(Rtemp);	# must close it to flush buffers before displaying it
	DispSetMessage( h1, msg$ );
# global data
# variables used for showing status of operations
string gStatusBarRight$ = "..........";
string gStatusBarLeft$  = "**********";
numeric gSizeStatusBar = 10;
# variables to keep track of open status of rasters
numeric rInIsOpen = false;
numeric rOutIsOpen = false;
numeric rTempIsOpen = false;
# set up range data values - for 8-bit unsigned only
numeric minData = 0;
numeric maxData = 255;
numeric lowerRange = minData;
numeric upperRange = maxData;
clear(); # clear the console
# open a display window - add standard tools - set up buttons and title
h1 = DispOpen(800, 600, 20, 20);
DispAddButtons(h1, "Open", "Custom", "Undo", "Save", "Exit" );
DispSetTitle( h1, "SML Script - adjust image gamma" );
# set up exitCondition - allows us to break out of while loop
numeric exitCondition = false;
while ( exitCondition == false ) {
	# display message showing current range
	string message$ = sprintf( "Range: 3d - %3d  Ready for input", lowerRange, upperRange);
	DispSetMessage( h1, message$ );
	# wait for button press
	string button$ = DispWaitForButtonPress(h1);
	if (button$ == "Open") {
		raster Rin;
		GetInputRaster(Rin);	# get the input raster
		if ( RastType(Rin)  != "8-bit unsigned" ) {
			PopupMessage( "This SML script only works with 8 bit unsigned raster types." );
			CloseRaster(Rin);		# close it
		rInIsOpen = true;
		if ( rInIsOpen ) {
 			#	now create two side by side copies - one for comparison
			CreateTempRaster(Rtemp, NumLins(Rin), NumCols(Rin) * 2, RastType(Rin));
			rTempIsOpen = true;
			numeric numColumns = NumCols(Rin);
			numeric numLines = NumLins(Rin);
			numeric stepSize = int( numLines / 10 );
			numeric status = 0;	# set up to display status bar
			numeric r, c;
			for r = 1 to numLines {
				for c = 1 to numColumns {
					Rtemp[r,c] = Rin[r,c];
					Rtemp[r,c + numColumns] = Rin[r,c];
				if ( !int( r % stepSize) ) {	# status bar code
					status = status + 1;
					string status$ = left$(gStatusBarLeft$, status) 
								+ left$(gStatusBarRight$, gSizeStatusBar - status);
					message$ = sprintf( "Making Working Copy of File: %s", status$);
					DispSetMessage( h1, message$ );
			# don't use redraw screen - must create layer here
			class GRE_LAYER_RASTER layerRtemp;
			CloseRaster(Rtemp);	# must close it to flush buffers before displaying it
			layerRtemp = DispAddRasterVar(h1, Rtemp);	# this also opens R1
			DispSetMessage( h1, "Make Working Copy of File: Done" );
			} # end of if ( rInIsOpen )
		}	# end of "Open"
	if (button$ == "Custom") {
		# Add custom code here !
		if ( rInIsOpen == false ) {
			PopupMessage( "Error - No file open" );
		else {
			# standard loop with status bar update 
			# variables need for status bar
			numColumns = NumCols(Rin);
			numLines = NumLins(Rin);
			stepSize = int( numLines / 10 );
			status = 0;	# set up to display status bar
			for r = 1 to numLines {
				for c = 1 to numColumns {
					# insert custom code here !
					# invert data to show something happening
					Rtemp[r, c + numColumns] = maxData - Rtemp[r, c];
					# handle status bar update
					if ( !int( r % stepSize) ) {
						status = status + 1;
						status$ = left$(gStatusBarLeft$, status) 
									+ left$(gStatusBarRight$, gSizeStatusBar - status);
						message$ = sprintf( "Inverting Image: %s", status$ );
						DispSetMessage( h1, message$ );
				redrawScreen( "Custom - Done" );
			}	 # end of else
		}	# end of "Custom"
	if (button$ == "Undo") {
		# copy left side of temp raster to right side
		if ( rInIsOpen == false ) {
			PopupMessage( "Error - No file open" );
		else {
			numColumns = NumCols(Rin);
			numLines = NumLins(Rin);
			stepSize = int( numLines / 10 );
			status = 0;	# set up to display status bar
			for r = 1 to numLines {
				for c = 1 to numColumns {
					Rtemp[r,c + numColumns] = Rtemp[r,c];
				if ( !int( r % stepSize) ) {
					status = status + 1;
					status$ = left$(gStatusBarLeft$, status) 
									+ left$(gStatusBarRight$, gSizeStatusBar - status);
					message$ = sprintf( "Undo Invert Image: %s", status$ );
					DispSetMessage( h1, message$ );
			redrawScreen( "Undo - Done" );
			}	# end of else
		}	# end of "Undo"
	if (button$ == "Save") {
		# copy right side of temp raster to left side
		# open dialog for output file to save results to
		if ( rInIsOpen == false ) {
			PopupMessage( "Error - No file open" );
		else {
			raster Rout;
			GetOutputRaster( Rout, NumLins(Rin), NumCols(Rin), RastType(Rin) );
			rOutIsOpen = true;
			SetScale(Rout, LinScale(Rin), ColScale(Rin));
			CopySubobjects(Rin, Rout);
			numColumns = NumCols(Rin);
			numLines = NumLins(Rin);
			stepSize = int( numLines / 10 );
			status = 0;	# set up to display status bar
			for r = 1 to NumLins(Rin) {
				for c = 1 to NumCols(Rin) {
					Rout[r,c] = Rtemp[r,c + numColumns];	# write new data to output file
					Rtemp[r,c] = Rtemp[r,c + numColumns];	# update left side of temp file
				if ( !int( r % stepSize) ) {
					status = status + 1; 
					status$ = left$(gStatusBarLeft$, status) 
									+ left$(gStatusBarRight$, gSizeStatusBar - status);
					message$ = sprintf( "%s%s", "Saving File: ", status$ );
					DispSetMessage( h1, message$ );
			CreatePyramid(Rout); # Revision 1.2
			CloseRaster(Rout);	# close the output raster
			redrawScreen( "Saving File - Done" );
			} # end of else
		}	# end of "Save"
	if (button$ == "Exit") {
		exitCondition = true;
	}	# end of main loop
# do clean up
if ( rTempIsOpen ) DeleteTempRaster(Rtemp);
if ( rInIsOpen ) CloseRaster( Rin );
if ( rOutIsOpen ) CloseRaster( Rout );