

More scripts: Dialog

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### gendlg.sml
### Sample script for "Building Dialogs in SML"
# stub script to open demonstration dialogs generated from
# specifications in XML files.
### Global variable declarations
string xmlfile$, id$;
### call popup dialog allowing the user to select the XML
### file with the demonstration dialog; store full path and filename
### as "xmlfile$" and filename alone as "id$" 
xmlfile$= GetInputFileName("","Select dialog specification:","xml");
id$ = FileNameGetName(xmlfile$);
class XMLDOC dlgdoc;		# class instance for the XML document
dlgdoc.Read(xmlfile$);		# read the XML and parse into memory
class XMLNODE dlgnode;	# class instance for the dialog element
								# in the XML structure
dlgnode = dlgdoc.GetElementByID(id$);	# get the dialog element
													# from the XML structure
class GUI_DLG dlgwin;	# class instance for dialog window
dlgwin.SetXMLNode(dlgnode);	# set the XML dialog element as the
										# source for the dialog window
dlgwin.DoModal();					# open as a modal dialog