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# import_srtm.sml
# Written By: Dan Glasser MI - 01Aug03
# Revised 16Sep03; no longer requires a format file.
# This script imports and sets the georeference for the 'headerless' *.hgt SRTM-3 files.
# These are raw elevation grids (DEMs) produced by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission.
# Each *.hgt file is a grid with 1201 lines and 1201 columns sampled at 3 arc-seconds
# of latitude and longitude, covering one square degree.
# Georeference information is derived from the parsed filenames, which have the form
# N00W050.hgt, where the first three characters give the latitude (integer degrees) and
# the last four characters give the longitude of the lower left (southwest) corner of
# the tile. The top row and right column of each tile overlap the adjacent tile.
# Note: the *.hgt data is unprocessed and may have gaps or holes.
# For more information on SRTM data see:
# ftp download available from:
class FILEPATH filepath;
class STRINGLIST filenames;
# get the latitude value from the *.hgt filename
func getLatitude( string hgtfile$ )
local numeric latvalue = StrToNum( GetToken( hgtfile$, "NSEW.hgt", 1, 1 ) );
string hemisphere = GetToken( hgtfile$, "EW.hgt0123456789", 1, 1 );
if ( hemisphere == "N" ) # if northern hemisphere
return latvalue;
else if ( hemisphere == "S" ) # if southern hemisphere
return -latvalue;
print( "Error parsing filename for latitude" );
print( "Bad file was: " + hgtfile$ );
return -9999;
# get the longitude value from the *.hgt filename
func getLongitude( string hgtfile$ )
local numeric longvalue = StrToNum( GetToken( hgtfile$, "NSEW.hgt", 2, 1 ) );
string hemisphere = GetToken( hgtfile$, "NS.hgt0123456789", 1, 1 );
if ( hemisphere == "E" ) # if eastern hemisphere
return longvalue;
else if ( hemisphere == "W" ) # if western hemisphere
return -longvalue;
print( "Error parsing filename for longitude" );
print( "Bad file was: " + hgtfile$ );
return -9999;
# set the parameters for USERDEFINEDRASTER import
proc setImportParameters()
srtm.NumLins = 1201;
srtm.NumCols = 1201;
srtm.DataType = "16-bit signed";
srtm.ByteOrder = "High-Low";
srtm.UseFile = 0;
srtm.DoPyramid = 1;
srtm.DoCompress = 1;
# get the SRTM data directory
string defaultpath$ = _context.ScriptDir;
filepath.SetName( GetDirectory( defaultpath$, "Please select the directory containing the SRTM files for import" ) );
print( filepath.GetPath() );
filenames = filepath.GetFileList( "*.hgt" );
numeric filecount = filenames.GetNumItems();
print( filecount, "files found" );
# get the output file name
string outputfile$ = GetOutputFileName(filepath.GetName(), "Enter a file name for the imported srtm raster rvc", ".rvc" );
numeric lat, long;
numeric i;
for i = 0 to filecount-1
print( "Now importing: " + filenames.GetString( i ) + " raster number: " + NumToStr( i + 1 ) );
lat = getLatitude( filenames.GetString( i ) );
long = getLongitude( filenames.GetString( i ) );
if ( lat != -9999 && long != -9999 )
string inputfile$ = filepath.GetPath() + "\" + filenames.GetString( i );
string objname$ = FileNameGetName( filenames.GetString( i ) );
# need to import raster
ImportRaster( srtm, inputfile$, outputfile$, objname$, "file imported from: " + filenames.GetString( i ) );
# 'open' the raster so that it can be georeferenced
Raster importedRaster;
OpenRaster( importedRaster, outputfile$, objname$ );
SetNull( importedRaster, -32768 );
# set the raster extents (in object coordinates) based on centers of corner cells
numeric xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
xmin = 0.5; # left edge
xmax = 1200.5; # right edge
ymin = 0.5; # top edge
ymax = 1200.5; # bottom edge
# save the extents as the 'source' and the lat long values as 'dest' arrays
# to be used to create control points at the raster corners
# [1] = ul corner, [2] = ll corner, [3] = ur corner
array numeric sourceX[3];
array numeric sourceY[3];
array numeric destX[3];
array numeric destY[3];
sourceX[1] = xmin;
sourceY[1] = ymin;
sourceX[2] = xmin;
sourceY[2] = ymax;
sourceX[3] = xmax;
sourceY[3] = ymin;
destX[1] = long;
destY[1] = lat + 1;
destX[2] = long;
destY[2] = lat;
destX[3] = long + 1;
destY[3] = lat + 1;
# set projection parameters
class MAPPROJ mapproj;
mapproj.Datum = "World Geodetic System 1984";
# use 'source' and 'dest' arrays to create control point georeference for the object
CreateControlPointGeorefDefaultAccuracy( importedRaster, mapproj, 3, sourceX, sourceY, destX, destY );
CloseRaster( importedRaster );
print( "Check file name and structure, lat/long not computed correctly" );
# take care of plural
string s$ = "s";
if ( filecount == 1 )
s$ = "";
# let user know that it's is done. Enjoy!
print( "Done. ", filecount, "raster" + s$ + " imported." );