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## For vector object containing Voting Districts extracted from
## 1990 Census TIGER / Line files (which lack polygon attributes).
## Checks line attributes in the Geo_Area_Codes table
## to find and verify voting district codes (string) for each polygon and
## writes the result into the polygon attribute table "Districts".
## The "Districts" Table must be set up previously
## with fields "PolyID" (integer) and "Voting_Dist" (string),
## with the Restriction option set to "Implied One-to-One"
## (which automatically creates a "blank" record for each polygon).
## Code verification involves determining the voting district code
## for the "inside" side of each line making up a polygon, then
## checking that all lines yield the same code for the polygon.
## (Codes are stored in an array for checking, which requires that
## the code character string be converted to a number first).
## Polygons whose lines yield inconsistent voting district codes
## are left unclassified, and an error statement is printed to the
## console window and to an error log file.
## AUTHOR: Randy Smith, MicroImages, Inc.
## CREATION DATE: June 24, 1997
## REQUIRED TNTmips VERSION: 5.7 or later
vector V;
print ("Processing....");
class FILE errtext;
array numeric linelist[10]; # define array to contain list of line numbers for current polygon
errtext = fopen( "C:/temp/disterrs.txt", "a" );
numeric i, polyid;
numeric numlines, linenum;
numeric leftpoly, rightpoly;
numeric votingdistnum, allsame;
string votingdist$;
for each poly in V begin
polyid = V.poly.Internal.ElemNum; # assign current polygon number to variable
# get list of lines making up current polygon and assign number of lines to variable
numlines = GetVectorPolyLineList(V, linelist);
array numeric distnums[numlines]; # define array to hold list of district numbers for polygon
for i = 1 to numlines begin
linenum = linelist[i];
leftpoly = V.line[linenum].Internal.LeftPoly; # get ID of polygon to left of line
rightpoly = V.line[linenum].Internal.RightPoly; # get ID of polygon to right of line
# check which side of line is the "inside" for the current polygon, and get the voting
# district code from the appropriate string field (Voting_Dist_L or Voting_Dist_R)
# in the Geo_Area_Codes table. The field specification on right side of assignment
# statement must have "$" at end to indicate that the database field should be
# read as a string.
if ( leftpoly == polyid ) then
votingdist$ = V.line[linenum].Geo_Area_Codes.Voting_Dist_L$;
votingdist$ = V.line[linenum].Geo_Area_Codes.Voting_Dist_R$;
# convert voting district code to number for checking
votingdistnum = StrToNum(votingdist$);
# store voting district number for current line in array for checking
distnums[i] = votingdistnum;
# loop to check that all district numbers in array are the same
allsame = 1; # error flag
for i = 1 to numlines begin
if ( distnums[1] != distnums[i] ) then
allsame = 0;
# if all voting district numbers are the same,
# write the PolyID, and Voting District code into the
# respective fields in the polygon attribute table "Districts"
if ( allsame == 1 ) then
V.poly.Districts.PolyID = polyid; # integer field
V.poly.Districts.Voting_Dist$ = votingdist$; # string field
printf("\nInconsistent voting district codes for polygon %d, not classified.", polyid );
fprintf(errtext, "\nInconsistent voting district codes for polygon number %d, not classified ", polyid );
printf ("\nDone");