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# doqq7.sml
# global variables that need declaring
class TEXTSTYLE textstyle, labelstyle;
class GRE_GROUP group, mapgroup, indexgroup;
class GRE_LAYER_RASTER rastlayer;
class GRE_LAYER_VECTOR vectlayer;
class GRE_LAYER_MAPGRID gridlayer, neatlayer;
class GRE_LAYER_TEXT textlayer;
class GRE_LAYER layer;
class RECT extents;		# Extents of DOQQ in lat/lon
# for step 0
class OBJECTINFO layoutObject;
raster DOQQ;
vector WetlandsVector;
string layoutFileName$, layoutObjectName$;
string doqqFileName$, doqqObjectName$, doqqObjectDesc$, templateDir$;
numeric layoutObjectNumber, doqqObjectNumber;
# for steps 1-3
class FILE inFile;
string workDir$, name$, prffile$, currentDate$, inFile$, ccs755$;
string  newname$, oldname$, objname$;
numeric numLines;
# for step 4
class DATABASE db;
class DBTABLEINFO table;
numeric photodate, dftcont, dftbright, wantNeatLine, ntokens, contrast, brightness;
string photodate$, quadname$, reqfilen$, direct$, a$, imgdate$, maptitle$;
class XmSeparator sep;
class XmForm br;
# for step 5-10
class GRE_LAYOUT layout;
class DBTABLEINFO tinfo;
# for step 11
class Georef georef;
numeric xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
numeric halfsize, twosec, cx, cy;
# initialize global variables
# This is the map projection we will use everywhere
class MAPPROJ projection;
projection.System = "United States State Plane 1983";
projection.Zone = "Maryland";
# This is the projection used for clipping
class MAPPROJ latlon;
latlon.System = "Latitude / Longitude";
latlon.Datum = "North American 1983";
latlon.Ellipsoid = "GRS 1980";
# function to count number of lines in a text file
func CountLines(string fileName$) {
	class file f;
	numeric c;
	string line$;
	f = fopen(fileName$, "r");
	c = 0;
	line$ = fgetline$(f);
	while (line$ != "" ) {
		c = c + 1;
		line$ = fgetline$(f);
# step 0: 
# Prompt for Input objects
layoutFileName$ = IniReadString("DOQQSML", "Layout");
layoutObject = SelectInputObject("D2DWIN", "Select the template layout", layoutFileName$);
layoutFileName$ = layoutObject.Filename;
layoutObjectName$ = layoutObject.Name;
layoutObjectNumber = layoutObject.Number;
IniWriteString("DOQQSML", "Layout", layoutFileName$);
doqqFileName$ = DOQQ.$INFO.Filename;
doqqObjectName$ = DOQQ.$INFO.Name;
doqqObjectDesc$ = DOQQ.$INFO.Desc;
doqqObjectNumber = DOQQ.$INFO.Number;
IniWriteString("DOQQSML", "DOQQRaster", doqqFileName$);
templateDir$ = FileNameGetPath(layoutFileName$);
# step 1: 
# Prompt for the output *.prf file.  Use the directory the user puts this
# file into as the "workDir".  Prevent it from being the same directory as
# the template for sanity's sake.
# XXX The work directory name should be derived from the DOQQ raster 
# name, but The GetFile dialog won't default to a nonexistant
# directory.  
workDir$ = IniReadString("DOQQSML", "WorkDir");
# PRF file has same name as DOQQ file, but change the "1" to a "5"
#  example:		brand1sw.rvc -> brand5sw.prf
name$ = FileNameGetName(doqqFileName$);
if (NumberTokens(name$, "1") == 2) {
	name$ = GetToken(name$, "1", 1) + "5" + GetToken(name$, "1", 2); 
prffile$ = workDir$ + "/" + name$ + ".prf";
prffile$ = GetOutputFileName(prffile$, 
			"Select output print file.  The layout and other\n"
		 + "files will be placed in this directory as well.", 
workDir$ = FileNameGetPath(prffile$);
# Keep the user from puting the workDir in the same place as the
# tempDir, as this would be bad. ("I'm a little fuzzy on this whole
# good-bad thing.")
while (workDir$ == templateDir$) {
				"You can't create the new layout in the same directory as\n" 
			 + "the template layout.  Please choose a different directory."
	prffile$ = GetOutputFileName(prffile$, 
				"Select output print file.  The layout and other\n"
			 + "files will be placed in this directory as well.", 
	workDir$ = FileNameGetPath(prffile$);
IniWriteString("DOQQSML", "WorkDir", workDir$);
# step 3: 
# edit ccs755.txt - change date on last line to current date
# Note we don't actually write out any file here.  The text is just
# held in a string variable and placed into the text layer directly.
# The format string (2nd parameter) to DateToString can contain the following
# codes which it will replace with the information shown
#	%a  abbreviated weekday name
#	%A  Full weekday name
#  %b  abbreviated month name
#  %B  Full month name
#  %d  Day of the month ( 01 - 31 )
#  %e  Day of the month (  1 - 32; single digits preceded by a space)
#  %m  month number (01 - 12)
#  %y  year within century (00-99)
#  %Y  four digit year
currentDate$ = DateToString(Date(), "%e %B %Y");
inFile$ = templateDir$ + "/ccs755.txt";
numLines = CountLines(inFile$);
ccs755$ = "";
inFile = fopen(inFile$, "r");
numeric i;
for i = 1 to (numLines - 1) {
	line$ = fgetline$(inFile);
	ccs755$ = ccs755$ + line$ + "\n";
line$ = fgetline$(inFile);
line$ = left$(line$, 6) + currentDate$;
ccs755$ = ccs755$ + line$ + "\n";
# step 4: 
# get date of photography from DOQQNAMEs metadata
# change IMG_DATE.TXT to this date
db = OpenDatabase(templateDir$ + "/doqqmeta.rvc", "Database");
table = DatabaseGetTableInfo(db, "DOQQMETA");
photodate = 0;
quadname$ = "";
name$ = FileNameGetName(doqqFileName$);
for i = 1 to table.NumRecords {
	reqfilen$ = TableReadFieldStr(table, "REQFILEN", i);
	direct$ = TableReadFieldStr(table, "DIRECT", i);
	a$ = reqfilen$ + "1" + direct$;
	if (name$ == a$) {
		photodate = TableReadFieldNum(table, "PHOTODATE", i);
		quadname$ = TableReadFieldStr(table, "QUADNAME", i);
		dftcont = TableReadFieldNum(table, "CONTRAST", i);
		dftbright = TableReadFieldNum(table, "BRIGHTNESS", i);
if (!photodate) {
	photodate$ = PopupString(
'The metadata for this DOQQ (' + name$ + ') is empty or missing.
Please type the date of the photography as you wish it to 
appear on the map here (mm/dd/yy):');
else {
	#photodate$ = DateToString(photodate, "%e %B %Y");  # 5 January 1996
	photodate$ = DateToString(photodate, "%m/%d/%y");	 # 01/05/96
imgdate$ = "Date of photography: " + photodate$ + "\n";
wantNeatLine = IniReadNumber("DOQQSML", "WantNeatLine", false);
wantNeatLine = PopupYesNo("Do you want a neatline around the map image area?", wantNeatLine);
IniWriteNumber("DOQQSML", "WantNeatLine", wantNeatLine);
# step 4b: 
# We got the title from the metadata too (assuming we found it)
if (quadname$ == "") {
	# Didn't find one in the metadata.  Default to doqq object description
	maptitle$ = doqqObjectDesc$;
else {
	ntokens = NumberTokens(quadname$, " ");
	maptitle$ = GetToken(quadname$, " ", 1); 
	for i = 2 to (ntokens - 1) {
		maptitle$ = maptitle$ + " " + GetToken(quadname$, " ", i);
	# The last token will be the direction.  Insert a comma after it.
	if (ntokens > 1) {
		maptitle$ = maptitle$ + ", " + GetToken(quadname$, " ", ntokens);
contrast = 50;
brightness = 100;
if (dftcont) contrast = dftcont;
if (dftbright) brightness = dftbright;
# step 4d: 
# Prompt for title, contrast and brightness values
class PromptStr promptTitle;
class PromptNum promptCont, promptBright;
class XmForm dlg;
proc CB_Close() {
	maptitle$ = promptTitle.value;
	contrast = promptCont.value;
	brightness = promptBright.value;
dlg = CreateModalFormDialog("Settings");
promptTitle = CreatePromptStr(dlg, "Title:", 64, maptitle$);
promptTitle.TopWidget = dlg;
promptTitle.LeftWidget = dlg;
promptTitle.RightWidget = dlg;
promptCont = CreatePromptNum(dlg, "Contrast:", 4, 0, contrast, 0, 100);
promptCont.TopWidget = promptTitle;
promptCont.LeftWidget = dlg;
promptBright = CreatePromptNum(dlg, "Brightness:", 4, 0, brightness, 0, 200);
promptBright.TopWidget = promptTitle;
promptBright.LeftWidget = promptCont;
sep = CreateHorizontalSeparator(dlg);
sep.TopWidget = promptBright;
sep.LeftWidget = dlg;
sep.RightWidget = dlg;
br = CreateButtonRow(dlg, CreatePushButtonItem("ok", CB_Close));
br.TopWidget = sep;
br.LeftWidget = dlg;
br.RightWidget = dlg;
br.BottomWidget = dlg;
# step 2: (moved) 
# copy DOQQNAME from MERLIN data servers (in /RASTERS/DOQQ)
# Copy DNR Wetland vector from MERLIN data server (in VECTORS/DNRWET)
# Make sure  they're not already there.  We might want to prompt the 
# user and ask them if they want to do this.  If the source is already on 
# a local harddrive or the network connection is reasonably fast, there's 
# no reason to copy them.  But there's no way we can tell if this is the case.
if (PopupYesNo("Do you wish to copy the DOQQ raster and Wetlands\n vector to the work directory?", true)) {
	if (FileNameGetPath(doqqFileName$) != workDir$) {
		newname$ = workDir$ + "/" + FileNameGetName(doqqFileName$) + ".rvc";
		CopyFile(doqqFileName$, newname$);
		# Now need to reopen the object because we use that instead of the
		OpenRaster(DOQQ, doqqFileName$, doqqObjectName$); 
	oldname$ = WetlandsVector.$INFO.Filename;
	objname$ = WetlandsVector.$INFO.Name;
	if (FileNameGetPath(oldname$) != workDir$) {
		newname$ = workDir$ + "/" + FileNameGetName(oldname$) + ".rvc";
		CopyFile(oldname$, newname$);
		OpenVector(WetlandsVector, newname$, objname$); 
# step 5: 
# Open LAYOUT.RVC/DOQQ_Wetland_v - change description to DOQQNAME
layout = LayoutCreate("layout", 1);
LayoutRead(layout, layoutFileName$, layoutObjectName$);
# step 6: 
# Verify print settings
#layout.Hardcopy.Printer = "HP DesignJet 650C";
layout.Hardcopy.Printer = "HP DesignJet Series Color 300dpi";
layout.Hardcopy.MapScale = 8400;
layout.Hardcopy.RasterDitherPattern = "Stucki";
layout.Hardcopy.VectorDitherPattern = "weave";	# Internal name of "vector"
layout.Hardcopy.FullPage = true;
layout.Hardcopy.dpi = 300;
layout.Hardcopy.Contrast = contrast;
layout.Hardcopy.Brightness = brightness;
IniWriteString("PRINTERS", "PortType", "file");
IniWriteString("PRINTERS", "PortName", prffile$);
IniWriteString("PRINTERS", "PRFFile", prffile$);
# step 7: 
# Change the title
group = LayoutGetGroupByName(layout, "Title");
textlayer = group.FirstLayer;
textstyle.Font = "times.ttf";
textstyle.Height = 1.25;  # inches
textstyle.LineSpace = .3228;	# Inches
textstyle.MapScale = layout.Hardcopy.MapScale;
textstyle.UseLayoutScale = 1;
textstyle.Foreground.Name = "black";
textstyle.Background.Name = "white";
textlayer.Text = maptitle$;
textlayer.Style = textstyle;
# step 8: 
# Remove the DOQQ raster and wetlands vector
#	(Dont actually do this here.  Well replace the objects in the
#	existing layers instead)
# Instead, find the actual layers
mapgroup = LayoutGetGroupByName(layout, "Map Data");
layer = mapgroup.FirstLayer;
while (layer) {
	if (layer.Type == "Raster") rastlayer = layer;
	if (layer.Type == "Vector") vectlayer = layer;
	if (layer.Type == "Map Grid") gridlayer = layer;
	layer = layer.NextLayer;
# step 9: 
# Re add the new DOQQ
RasterLayerSetObject(rastlayer, DOQQ);
rastlayer.NullCellsTransparent = false;
# step 10a: 
# Re add the new Wetlands vector.
VectorLayerSetObject(vectlayer, WetlandsVector);
vectlayer.Point.Select.Mode = "None";
vectlayer.Node.Draw = false;
vectlayer.StyleObject = OpenStyleObject(templateDir$ + "/styles.rvc", "STYLES");
# step 10b: 
# Set the line styles
vectlayer.Line.Select.Mode = "ByAttribute";
vectlayer.Line.StyleMode = "ByAttribute";
vectlayer.DrawLinesFirst = false;	# Don't draw lines before polygons
tinfo = TableGetInfo(WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle);
tinfo.StyleObjName = "";
numeric num = NumRecords(WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle);
string cl$, l$;
for i = 1 to num {
	cl$ = WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i].Class$;
	if (cl$ == "Unclassified") {
		WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._DrawFlag_ = 0;
	else {
		WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._DrawFlag_ = 1;
		l$ = left$(cl$, 1);
		if (l$ == "E") {
			WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleName_$ = "Estuarine_Lin";
			WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleIndex_ = 1;
		else if (l$ == "P") {
			WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleName_$ = "Palustrine_Lin";
			WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleIndex_ = 4;
		else if (l$ == "R") {
			WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleName_$ = "Riverine_Lin";
			WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleIndex_ = 2;
		else {
			# Assume "break line" or "lead line"
			# Instructions say "or similar", but can't tell 
			WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleName_$ = "Break_Lead_Line";
			WetlandsVector.line.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleIndex_ = 0;
# step 10c: 
# Set the polygon styles
vectlayer.Poly.Select.Mode = "ByAttribute";
vectlayer.Poly.NoFill = false;	# Don't disable polygon filling
tinfo = TableGetInfo(WetlandsVector.poly.ClassStyle);
tinfo.StyleObjName = "";
num = NumRecords(WetlandsVector.poly.ClassStyle);
for i = 1 to num {
	WetlandsVector.poly.ClassStyle[@i]._DrawFlag_ = 1;
	WetlandsVector.poly.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleName_$ = "Wetland";
	WetlandsVector.poly.ClassStyle[@i]._StyleIndex_ = 0;
# step 10d: 
# Set the Label styles
vectlayer.Label.Draw = true;
labelstyle.Font = "mallard.of";
labelstyle.Foreground.Name = "yellow";
labelstyle.Background.Name = "black";
labelstyle.Enhance = true;
labelstyle.UseElemHeight = true;
vectlayer.Label.NormalStyle = labelstyle;
# step 11: 
# Change group settings for the "Map Data" group
# Need the extents of the DOQQ raster layer in degrees
georef = GeorefAlloc();
GeorefSetProjection(georef, latlon);
GetObjectExtents(DOQQ, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, georef);
# Set the ClipRegion to this rect + a 2 second buffer
halfsize = (7.5 / 4) / 60;	# Half the height of a quarter quad in degrees
twosec = 2.0 / 3600;			# Two seconds converted to degrees
cx = (xmin + xmax) / 2;
cy = (ymin + ymax) / 2;
# Force center to fall on a the correct interval
# Floor rounds to -infinity.
cx = floor(cx / halfsize + .5) * halfsize;
cy = floor(cy / halfsize + .5) * halfsize;
extents.x1 = cx - halfsize - twosec;
extents.x2 = cx + halfsize + twosec;
extents.y1 = cy - halfsize - twosec;
extents.y2 = cy + halfsize + twosec;
# Need to set clip region to this rectangle
mapgroup.ClipRegion.Projection = latlon;
mapgroup.Clip = true;
mapgroup.X.AttachTo = "Margin";
mapgroup.X.AttachThis = "Left";
mapgroup.X.AttachRef = "Left";
mapgroup.X.Offset = .2;	# Page inches
mapgroup.Y.AttachTo = "Margin";
mapgroup.Y.AttachThis = "Center";
mapgroup.Y.AttachRef = "Center";
mapgroup.Y.Offset = -.5;	# Page inches
# step 12: 
# Modify the mapgrid
if (gridlayer) LayerDestroy(gridlayer);
gridlayer = GroupAddMapGridLayer(mapgroup, projection, 5000, 5000, "feet", latlon, extents);
LayerRaise(vectlayer);	# Move vector layer back on top
gridlayer.Name = projection.System;
gridlayer.CoordFormat = "Comma";
gridlayer.BorderRelative = false;	# Starting At: Origin
gridlayer.ShowBorder = false;
gridlayer.LayoutScale = true;
gridlayer.ShowCoordText2D = true;
gridlayer.CoordLabelStyle = textstyle; = "black";
gridlayer.CoordLabelStyle.Height = .1;	# Inches, approx 2.5 mm
gridlayer.ShowGrid = true; = "white";
gridlayer.GridWidthUnits = "mm";
gridlayer.GridWidth = .5;
# Border ticks are off.  To offset text by a bit, turn them
# on, but keep them white so they don't show up
gridlayer.ShowBorderTicksExt = false;
gridlayer.ShowBorderTicksExt = false;
gridlayer.BorderTickWidthUnits = "mm";
gridlayer.BorderTickWidth = .5;
gridlayer.BorderTickOutsideUnits = "mm";
gridlayer.BorderTickOutside = 2.0; = "white";
# step 13: 
# Modify the CCWS Text group
group = LayoutGetGroupByName(layout, "CCWS Text");
textlayer = group.FirstLayer;
textstyle.Height = .315; # approx 8 mm
textlayer.Style = textstyle;
textlayer.Text = ccs755$;
# step 14: 
# Modify the Photo Date text layer
group = LayoutGetGroupByName(layout, "Photo Date");
textlayer = group.FirstLayer;
textstyle.Height = .157; # approx 4 mm
textlayer.Style = textstyle;
textlayer.Text = imgdate$;
# step 16: (Changed the order here on purpose)
# Use object editor to edit the neatline vector.  Id change this to use
# an SML layer to autogenerate a neatline.  (This is an option Maryland
# didnt have when they started this project)
# Heres an even easier way.  Create a mapgrid but only show the border
# The neatline will then be exactly on the quarter quad border.
# We had expanded the extents out by two seconds for clipping.  Now put them
# back to the actual quarter quad bounds.
extents.x1 = extents.x1 + twosec;
extents.x2 = extents.x2 - twosec;
extents.y1 = extents.y1 + twosec;
extents.y2 = extents.y2 - twosec;
# Neatline was done with a vector.  Delete it
layer = GroupGetLayerByName(mapgroup, "NEATLINE / Neatline");
if (layer) LayerDestroy(layer);
if (wantNeatLine) {
	neatlayer = GroupAddMapGridLayer(mapgroup, latlon, 1, 1, "degrees", latlon, extents);
	neatlayer.Name = "NEATLINE / Neatline";
	neatlayer.ShowGrid = false;
	neatlayer.ShowCoordText2D = false;
	neatlayer.ShowBorderTicksExt = false;
	neatlayer.ShowBorderTicksInt = false;
	neatlayer.ShowBorder = true;
	neatlayer.LayoutScale = true;
	# XXX Change the color of the neatline in the main map here... = "red";	# name from RGB.txt
	neatlayer.BorderWidthUnits = "mm";
	neatlayer.BorderWidth = .5;
# Step 16a:  There's a neatline in the index map too.  Same drill
indexgroup = LayoutGetGroupByName(layout, "Index Map");
# Neatline was done with a vector.  Delete it
layer = GroupGetLayerByName(indexgroup, "NEATLINE / Neatline");
if (layer) LayerDestroy(layer);
neatlayer = GroupAddMapGridLayer(indexgroup, latlon, 1, 1, "degrees", latlon, extents);
neatlayer.Name = "NEATLINE / Neatline";
neatlayer.ShowGrid = false;
neatlayer.ShowCoordText2D = false;
neatlayer.ShowBorderTicksExt = false;
neatlayer.ShowBorderTicksInt = false;
neatlayer.ShowBorder = true;
neatlayer.LayoutScale = true;
# XXX This is the color of the rectangle in the index map = "red";
neatlayer.BorderWidthUnits = "mm";
neatlayer.BorderWidth = .5;
neatlayer.SizeRelative = true;
neatlayer.LayoutScale = false;
neatlayer.MapScale = layout.MapScale / indexgroup.RelScale;
# step 15: (Changed the order here on purpose)
# Save the layout
string newFileName$ = workDir$ + "/layout.rvc";
CopyFile(layoutFileName$, newFileName$);
layoutFileName$ = newFileName$;
DeleteObject(layoutFileName$, layoutObjectNumber);	# Remove old layout
LayoutWrite(layout, layoutFileName$, layoutObjectName$, doqqObjectDesc$);
# step 17: 
# 	View / Print to generate print file, then save and exit
numeric err = LayoutPageSetupDialog(layout);
if (!err && PopupYesNo("Do you want to print the layout now?", true)) {
# If we don't destroy the layout, it will prevent view from being able to
# exit.
#	rvcmain 4.131 4618
#  rvcdbase.c 4.273 1260
#  qqobject.c 1.138 1196
#  doqq.sml --- 165
#  Need better error if the database isn't found
#  setting style object on vector layer seems to fail if it had no style
#	assigned to begin with.  May be that if vector was originally set to
#		"From vector" it ignores the style object I set