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# cb_report.sml #
# Project to form a Crystal Report from TNTmips internal database records #
# Author: Jeremy Johnson #
# March 30, 2004 #
#Import the Visual Basic Form
$import cbsoils_report.crystal_form
#create a instance of the form's class in SML
class crystal_form cf;
string symbol, name;
numeric acres, wheat, oats, haydry, haywet;
#Get a vector for input of the data
vector v;
numeric num_d_records = NumRecords(v.poly.DESCRIPTN);
numeric num_y_records = NumRecords(v.poly.YIELD);
numeric current;
#Initialize the Datatable in Visual Basic
#Add the records from the Vector to Visual Basic
for current = 1 to num_d_records {
symbol = TableReadFieldStr(v.poly.DESCRIPTN, "SYMBOL", current);
name = TableReadFieldStr(v.poly.DESCRIPTN, "NAME", current);
acres = TableReadFieldNum(v.poly.DESCRIPTN, "ACRES", current);
cf.AddDescriptnRecord(symbol, name, acres);
for current = 1 to num_y_records {
symbol = TableReadFieldStr(v.poly.YIELD, "SYMBOL", current);
wheat = TableReadFieldNum(v.poly.YIELD, "WHEAT", current);
oats = TableReadFieldNum(v.poly.YIELD, "OATS", current);
haydry = TableReadFieldNum(v.poly.YIELD, "HAYDRY", current);
haywet =TableReadFieldNum(v.poly.YIELD, "HAYWET", current);
cf.AddYieldRecord(symbol, wheat, oats, haydry, haywet);
#Once all the records are added, create and show the report