Syntax Highlighing:
comments, key words, predefined symbols, class members & methods, functions & classes
attribute1$ = "SrD";
attribute2$ = "SrC"
Array polygons[1];
polygon = Internal.ElemNum;
if (CLASS.Class == attribute1$) {
numPolygons = GetVectorPolyAdjacentPolyList(Vect,polygons,polygon);
for i = 1 to numPolygons {
num = polygons[i];
if (Vect.poly[num].CLASS.Class$ == attribute2$) return 1;
if (CLASS.Class == attribute2$) {
numPolygons = GetVectorPolyAdjacentPolyList(Vect,polygons,polygon);
for i = 1 to numPolygons {
num = polygons[i];
if (Vect.poly[num].CLASS.Class$ == attribute1$) return 1;
return 0;