Lidar Scripts by Terranean
Classify: Uses the final �bare-earth� DEM to classify the LIDAR points in an LAS file into �ground� and �above-ground� categories. |
Classify LAS.sml
Fill edge gaps: Fills in a small number of cells around the edges of gaps using a Focal Median function. This script is used in conjunction with Interp.sml. |
Fill null: Fills gaps (null areas) in the surface raster that correspond to areas of no LIDAR returns (water surfaces, building shadows) and null areas created by the other processing scripts. |
Raw surface: Produces raw surfaces from the unclassified LIDAR point data in an LAS file. Minimum Z and Maximum Z surfaces are produced, along with a raster with the count of LIDAR point returns for each cell. The Minimum Z surface is a good starting point for a �bare earth� DEM, as it includes ground returns, buildings, and some vegetation returns where the canopy is too dense to allow penetration to the ground. The Maximum Z surface includes the top of the vegetation canopy plus buildings and bare ground that have no vegetation above them. |
Remove man-made objects: Removes hard man-made objects above ground, such as buildings and cars, while retaining important ground features such as retaining walls and banks. The removed features are replaced by null cells. |
Restore ground: Compares the results of the Filter_LiDAR_DEM script with the original Minimum Z surface to identify areas where ground cells have been filtered out along with above ground features. Cells in these areas are reassigned the value from Minimum Z to restore the ground elevation value. |