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sample data for the tutorial booklets

MicroImages has created a series of free TNTmips tutorial booklets that you can use in a self study program to learn geospatial analysis on your own computer. These booklets are also suitable as reference material for a laboratory course or a workshop covering image processing, geographic information systems (GIS), desktop cartography, terrain analysis, and other related topics.
The tutorial booklets are available from the Help menu on the TNTmips menu bar. The collection of sample data below is provided for you to use in the step-by-step lessons given in these tutorial booklets.
The file also contains a scripts folder with a set of custom scripts to help you get started with TNTmips' geospatial scripting language (SML). You will find stand-alone scripts, element selection queries, and many different custom processes, tools, and applications. Look here for useful links, information, and documentation on scripting in TNT.