Glossary for Geospatial Science

  Technical vocabulary defined by MicroImages

book Glossary

optimization:� The process by which TNTmips assigns display colors to the raster object cell values for display of multiple raster objects for 8-bit (256-color) display modes.� After TNTmips condenses the values, 4096 possible colors remain.� Of the 256 colors that can be displayed on an 8-bit display board, there is a standard set of 64 colors assigned to all raster objects, which are always �known� and available for annotation and vector overlays.� The remaining 192 colors assigned to the color map, are those that occur most frequently in the RGB set of objects being displayed.� The colors in this RGB set that are not found in the 256-member color map are assigned to be displayed as their closest match in the color map.� This process produces a very good natural color image on an 8-bit display board.