Glossary for Geospatial Science

  Technical vocabulary defined by MicroImages

book Glossary

ND, ND6 and ND7: Normalized Difference.� Vegetation index computations developed for use with Landsat MSS.� These vegetation indices are now commonly used with any image that has the required spectral bands.� The bands required are approximately equivalent to the red and the photo-infrared spectral bands measured by color-infrared film.� The ND6 index used MSS band 6, and ND7 uses band 7.� Since these two Landsat MSS infrared bands are so highly correlated, similar results are possible using either of the computations or with any images that have an equivalent photo-infrared spectral band.� Good color-infrared image sources for processing into an ND or green biomass raster include Landsat MSS and TM, SPOT CIR, 35mm CIR film, 9" CIR film, and CIR video.