Analyzing Hyperspectral Images
A new generation of hyperspectral remote sensors produce imagery that you can visualize, process, and analyze with special features in TNTmips. Learn how to acquire and save image spectra, work with spectral libraries, calibrate images to reflectance, and perform spectral matching and classification procedures. Note: NASA's Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) imagery does fit in the TNTlite size limits so researchers and students can use free TNTlite for their hyperspectral projects. Download the sample data that accompanies this tutorial.
Hyperspectral explorer tool
preview RGB combinations
select interband intervals
animated color rotation
view histograms / 3D strips
spectral profile tool
save / load spectral
USGS spectral libraries
matched filtering technique
n-space animated scatterplot
spectral angle mapper
calibrate / normalize / classify