V6.4 New Features
49nd Release
V6.40 Release Notes
Highlight Features:
Undo editing of all objects.
Customize view and interactive tools
Geographically catalog and select objects
System Level Features
- Project Files created in TNTlite can now be used in TNT professional products.
- Preview all objects in a Project File as thumbnail views in new Overview window.
- Select objects from the new Overview window.
- Geocatalog the objects in Project Files, including irregular geographic boundaries.
- Show Overview window of cataloged objects with shared extent with current view.
- Preview thumbnail view of object in all processes, including export and support.
- Create large numbers of objects in a Project File up to 1000 times faster.
- Locate an object in a Project File with many objects up to 1000 times faster.
- Create/use large collections of style/pattern subobjects up to 1000 times faster.
- Use relative paths for linked RVC objects: rasters, external database tables, and text.
- Display vector objects 1.5 to 5 times faster.
- Add custom features to display toolbar with custom icons.
- Create an SML script to change view or process and add new layers.
- Use SML directly or to start C++, Visual Basic, � programs.
- Use any object in these internal or external programs.
- Overlay or replace the view, layers, zoom, position, selected feature, �
- Use view-in-view with contents set up by default.
- Highlight elements in 3D view with a query (now same as in 2D view).
- Select elements in 2D view and they are also selected in a 3D view.
- Fill selected polygons in 3D view (same as in 2D view: transparency, patterns, ...).
- View 3D wireframes of large rasters up to 10 times faster.
Custom Tools
- Make new interactive tools and add them to display toolbar with custom
- Create an SML script to act on selected elements and attributes.
- Access current layers and their current display settings in script.
- Perform queries in the new tool.
- Use any object in any Project File.
- Draw new kinds of graphic tools.
- Keep legends as part of each layout.
- Composite style samples for legend entries from multiple layers.
- Interactively reorder legend elements and headings.
- Add all legend entries at once for an element type in a layer.
- Use default descriptions for legend entries from the layer.
- Interactively edit descriptions for each legend entry.
Editing Raster, Vector, CAD, or TIN objects
- Use icon to UNDO edited additions.
- Back up as many previous edit steps as desired.
- Topological changes to vector objects will be undone.
- Changes to relation attribute tables will be undone.
Editing Rasters
- Custom brushes show up in designed size and color.
Modeling Watershed Landforms
- Process very large elevation rasters 10 times faster.
- Mask the area to be analyzed with region.
- Create 3D vector object with flow stream lines, basins, and watersheds.
- Use new attribute table for watershed characteristics.
- Improved handling of depressions.
- Vector objects now imported into new "optimized-for-faster-display" format.
- Import 48-bit RGB TIFF/GeoTIFF rasters (for Ikonos).
- Import/export Portable Network Graphics (PNG) rasters.
- Import ArcGrid binary rasters.
- Import/export NIMA�s National Image Transfer Format (NITF 2.x).
- Import/export transparent GIF rasters.
- Import labels associated with MapInfo internal TAB files.
- Import Intergraph�s RLE (type 9) rasters.
- Import TAB files to CAD object.
- Improved import of SDTS to vector object.
- Faster import of MapInfo internal TAB format with more modifiers.
- Import Computer Graphic Metafiles (CGM) as CAD object or as point
- (CGM permits import of Common Warfighter Symbology = mil spec 2525A)
New Tutorial Booklets
- Introduction to Remote Sensing
- Introduction to Designing Electronic Atlases
- Operating with a GPS Unit
- MERLIN: Enterprise-wide GIS
All booklets updated to V6.40.
Spatial Manipulation Language
- Provides suite of watershed analysis functions.
- Use same TNT queries as in other TNT products.
- Lock off a section of an atlas for maintenance.
- Lock selected, frequently used layouts in TNTserver cache to speed up access.
- New Languages added: French, Finnish, Dutch, Slovakian, Romanian.
- 21 Language Installation Kits now available.