V6.3 New Features
48nd Release April 2000
V6.30 Release Notes
Highlight Features:
Create Layout Templates.
Publish atlases on MicroImages' TNTserver.
System Level Features
- Use menu to switch languages for multilingual installations.
- Full path to folder or object shown during selection.
- File and object selection tools support full Network Neighborhood navigation.
- Preview thumbnail of any object type before final selection (automatic or on-demand).
- Universal Naming Convention (UNC) provides paths to Project Files on shared machines.
- Network paths no longer need to be mapped to drive letters to access Project Files.
- Project Files greater than 2 gigabytes now supported on Solaris 2.6 or later.
- Geolocking is now automatic for multiple views.
- Customize display menus and toolbars from window (turn off unused features).
- Clipping to extents for geographically attached groups now controlled by one group.
- Add attributes to elements as they are created with sketch tool in GeoToolbox.
- Directly create a table and records with sketch tool for elements being drawn.
- Create and save reusable templates for any kind of map/image layout.
- Templates prompt for new layers, text, and other possible changes.
- Retain general layout characteristics (grid projection, spacing, etc.) while altering template.
- Simplify a complex LegendView by hiding layers (e.g. layers used only for DataTips).
- Show only 1 entry in LegendView for group with several similar layers (e.g. virtual mosaic).
Advanced Tabular Viewing
- Display tables with large number of fields much faster.
- Perform real-time scrolling.
- Tabular view available from icon on toolbar.
- Use icon to insert a new record into the table.
- Resize field widths by dragging column separators.
- Reorder fields and headers by dragging.
- HelpTip on vertical scroll bar indicates current record's position in table.
- Automatically scroll to first selected record when showing all records.
- Expanded sorting, such as sort in ascending/descending order or sort on multiple fields.
- Deleting records now more protective by requiring stronger confirmation.
Database Management
- Multiple records now read from table linked via ODBC, therefore much faster.
- Dialog for creating new tables has been improved.
- Setting up field constraints for tables is now easier.
- String fields can now be longer than 256 characters.
- Computed fields (string expression fields) return text of any length.
- The following table joins (combining 2 tables) are now supported:
- natural joins, outer joins, left outer joins, and right outer joins
Editing Rasters
- Draw and fill all symmetric polygons (3, 4, 5, 6, ... sides).
- Status information displayed for creation, copying, and flood filling.
- Cancel button added to raster tools.
- Create and edit 16-bit color mapped rasters.
- New colors automatically added to color map if space available.
- Notification provided if all colors in the color map are allocated.
- Closest color assigned if all colors are allocated in color map.
Editing Vectors
- Sliver polygon filter also deletes attached attributes.
- Bubble filter can delete attributes or attach them to parent or neighbor polygon.
Auto-Import Text to Tables
- Text files automatically scanned to determine their table format:
- Comma separated data structures are detected and inserted into fields.
- Columnar data structures are imported into fields.
- When first text line contains field names, they will be used.
- Number of fields, field types, decimal places, and others are identified.
- Modify the results of the automatically detected format in dialog box.
- �Import images and scientific data from Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS) V4.1, r3.
- � Improved import of SDTS rasters. � Import 3D shapefiles.
- � Improved import/export for MapInfo's TAB format. � Import Sun rasters.
New Tutorial Booklets
- Operating with a GPS Unit � Modeling Watersheds and Land Surfaces
- Enterprise: Installation � All 53 booklets updated to V6.30
- Specify the scale at which each layer will be initially displayed (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ...).
- Publish your CD-sized TNTatlas without cost for 6 months on MicroImages' TNTserver.
- Free service for those using a current TNTmips (V6.30 or later).
- Provides use of TNTclient and TNTserver as extended features of TNTmips.
- An alternate but equivalent "standalone" Java-based TNTclient can be downloaded.
- The locally stored standalone client does not require a browser to access TNTserver.
- Layers in a view easily turned on and off using check boxes on control panel.
- Groups in a view easily turned on and off using a folder icon on control panel.
- List of all the layers in an open group may be exposed or hidden.
- Right mouse button on the name of an atlas level in control panel exposes popup menu to show/hide all groups or expand/collapse all groups in level.
- Right mouse button on the name of a group in control panel exposes popup menu to show/hide all layers or zoom to group's extent.
- Right mouse button on the name of a layer in control panel exposes popup menu to get metadata or zoom to layer's extent.
- New Legend panel provides attractive legend for layers actually exposed in a view.
- Select view and coordinates in Latitude/Longitude, State Plane, or UTM system.
- Choose units for coordinates to be meters, feet, kilometers, or miles.
- Zoom at view center to 1 mile, 10 miles, 1 km, 10 km, full resolution, and many others.
- Zoom at cursor to 1 mile, 10 miles, 1 km, 10 km, full resolution, and many others.
- Instant undo to the previous view or 9 more via TNTserver.
- Elastic measurement tool can now be rotated to measure inclined rectangles.
- Measurements can be made and summed from successive views (e.g. stream length).
- The atlas name, server name, date of the TNTclient and TNTserver are displayed.
- InfoTips now provide URLs to link other sites, atlases, or products.
- Use the scale set for each hyperlink object (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ...).
- Permits atlases with multiple links for a specific index area.
- Provides links via InfoTips to URLs for other sites.
- Supports connection requests from standalone client stored on visitor's platform.
- Generates various statistics to profile the activity of each visitor.
- Available: Arabic, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Greek, German, Portuguese, Polish, Indonesian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
- In preparation: Thai, Finnish, Dutch, French, and Slovakian.
Editing Vectors
- Sliver polygon filter also deletes attached attributes.
- Bubble filter can delete attributes or attach them to parent or neighbor polygon.
Auto-Import Text to Tables
- Text files automatically scanned to determine their table format:
- Comma separated data structures are detected and inserted into fields.
- Columnar data structures are imported into fields.
- When first text line contains field names, they will be used.
- Number of fields, field types, decimal places, and others are identified.
- Modify the results of the automatically detected format in dialog box.
- �Import images and scientific data from Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS) V4.1, r3.
- � Improved import of SDTS rasters. � Import 3D shapefiles.
- � Improved import/export for MapInfo's TAB format. � Import Sun rasters.
New Tutorial Booklets
- Operating with a GPS Unit � Modeling Watersheds and Land Surfaces
- Enterprise: Installation � All 53 booklets updated to V6.30
- Specify the scale at which each layer will be initially displayed (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ...).
- Publish your CD-sized TNTatlas without cost for 6 months on MicroImages' TNTserver.
- Free service for those using a current TNTmips (V6.30 or later).
- Provides use of TNTclient and TNTserver as extended features of TNTmips.
- An alternate but equivalent "standalone" Java-based TNTclient can be downloaded.
- The locally stored standalone client does not require a browser to access TNTserver.
- Layers in a view easily turned on and off using check boxes on control panel.
- Groups in a view easily turned on and off using a folder icon on control panel.
- List of all the layers in an open group may be exposed or hidden.
- Right mouse button on the name of an atlas level in control panel exposes popup menu to show/hide all groups or expand/collapse all groups in level.
- Right mouse button on the name of a group in control panel exposes popup menu to show/hide all layers or zoom to group's extent.
- Right mouse button on the name of a layer in control panel exposes popup menu to get metadata or zoom to layer's extent.
- New Legend panel provides attractive legend for layers actually exposed in a view.
- Select view and coordinates in Latitude/Longitude, State Plane, or UTM system.
- Choose units for coordinates to be meters, feet, kilometers, or miles.
- Zoom at view center to 1 mile, 10 miles, 1 km, 10 km, full resolution, and many others.
- Zoom at cursor to 1 mile, 10 miles, 1 km, 10 km, full resolution, and many others.
- Instant undo to the previous view or 9 more via TNTserver.
- Elastic measurement tool can now be rotated to measure inclined rectangles.
- Measurements can be made and summed from successive views (e.g. stream length).
- The atlas name, server name, date of the TNTclient and TNTserver are displayed.
- InfoTips now provide URLs to link other sites, atlases, or products.
- Use the scale set for each hyperlink object (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ...).
- Permits atlases with multiple links for a specific index area.
- Provides links via InfoTips to URLs for other sites.
- Supports connection requests from standalone client stored on visitor's platform.
- Generates various statistics to profile the activity of each visitor.
- Available: Arabic, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Greek, German, Portuguese, Polish, Indonesian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
- In preparation: Thai, Finnish, Dutch, French, and Slovakian.